On Monday, 20th of January 2025, 8 Students from St. Kilian’s sat the first in-house round for the All-Ireland Linguistics Olympiad competition 2025 (AILO) where they had two hours to solve fiendishly difficult puzzles in languages they don’t know – that’s what it is all about! This year 882 students participated in the Olympiad, and the top 100 will go on and compete against each other in DCU in March. The 4 Irish winners will then have the opportunity to take part in the AILO World Olympics in Taipei, Taiwan in July.
Congratulations to all our students – they all did very well. Jacob (9th class, rank 5) and Michael (11th, rank 11) did exemplary well and will represent St. Kilian’s in the Irish finals. Let’s hope they both make it to Taiwan!! Last year one of our students, Eliška Dvorakova, had a wonderful week in Brazil representing Ireland.