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Congratulations our 120 successful candidates who have completed the DSD Sprachdiplom of 2024 and were awarded their certificates yesterday and on Tuesday afternoon. We were delighted to welcome Mr von Heynitz, Cultural Attaché at the German Embassy and Dr Siobhan Donovan from UCD School of Languages as guests of honour to the celebration ceremony. Mr von Heynitz and Dr Donovan as well as the school principals Mrs Meier and Mr Macmillan commended all candidates on their fantastic achievement and emphasized the advantages of learning German and other foreign languages. Congratulations to all candidates and well done to all involved!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere 120 Schüler:innen, die erfolgreich das DSD Sprachdiplom 2024 absolviert haben und gestern und am Dienstagnachmittag ihre Zertifikate überreicht bekamen. Es war uns eine große Ehre Herrn von Heynitz, den Kulturattaché der deutschen Botschaft, und Dr. Siobhan Donovan von der UCD School of Languages als Ehrengäste bei den Feierlichkeiten begrüßen zu dürfen. Herr von Heynitz und Dr. Donovan sowie die Schulleiter Frau Meier und Herr Macmillan lobten alle Kandidaten für ihre fantastischen Leistungen und betonten die Vorteile des Erlernens der deutschen Sprache und anderer Fremdsprachen in ihren Ansprachen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Kandidaten und viel Erfolg für alle Beteiligten!
#DSDSprachdiplom #germanlanguagecertificate #kultusministerkonferenz
St Kilian's Deutsche Schule
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DSD Sprachdiplom Celebration 2024 - St. Kilian's German School, Dublin
We wish to congratulate our 120 successful candidates who have completed the DSD Sprachdiplom of 2024 and were awarded their certificates on October 1st and... Read More- Likes: 15
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St. Kilian’s Deutsche Schule Dublin is a coeducational, inter-denominational School that welcomes boys and girls of all nationalities, cultures and religions from the age of 5 spanning the full educational cycle from Kindergarten (Junior and Senior Infants) to Leaving Certificate. While we follow the Irish Curriculum, we put a strong emphasis on German. St. Kilian’s pupils learn German in a diverse and inclusive environment in our bilingual Kindergarten; however, prior knowledge of German is not a requirement for enrolment. The guiding principle for our curriculum is to raise independent and self-sufficient children who, by the end of the two years, are fully prepared to enter into 1st class of our Primary School. We have a small number of places available in our Kindergarten (Junior Infants) for the school year 2025/2026. Please find more information under Admissions on our Website or visit us on our Open Day on Saturday, 12th of October 2024 from 11:00am to 1:00pm in Clonskeagh, D14 P7F2
🔗 For more information and to #JuniorInfants #tagderoffenentür #OpenDay2024
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Love the video. It was a privilege and joy for me to have been part of it for 35 years. Great to see that the school continues to develop and grow. 💪❤️
📣 Interested in visiting our school, meeting our staff and students and seeing our fantastic campus and modern facilities?
We are hosting our annual Open Day and are inviting all interested parents and students to visit us on Saturday, 12th of October 2024 from 11am - 1pm in Roebuck Road, Clonskeagh. For more detail, please visit our website.
📣 Am Samstag, den 12. Oktober 2024 ist es wieder soweit! Wir veranstalten unseren jährlichen Tag der offenen Tür und laden alle interessierten Eltern und Schüler ein, unsere Schule zu besuchen, unsere Lehrer und Schüler kennenzulernen und unseren fantastischen Campus und die modernen Einrichtungen zu sehen.
Besucher werden die Gelegenheit haben sich unseren Kindergarten, die Grundschule und die Sekundarstufe zwischen 11 und 13 Uhr anzuschauen und Fragen an unsere Schulleitung und Lehrer zu stellen.
Please register/ Anmeldung unter:
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Open Day 2024 – Saturday 12th October - St. Kilian's German School, Dublin
Welcome – Herzlich Willkommen! St. Kilian’s German School Dublin is hosting its annual Open Day on Saturday 12th October 2024 from 11am-1pm and is inviting... Read More
All children, from Kindergarten to 6th Class had a super fun National Fitness Day yesterday. Everyone enjoyed participating in a circuit of fun activities on the Astro pitch and being active in glorious sunshine as we were blessed with the best weather this year. Thanks to the PE Department and all teachers involved for a fantastic morning!
Gestern feierte St. Kilian’s den Nationalen Fitnesstag, und das bei strahlendem Sonnenschein in diesem Jahr. Die Kinder, vom Kindergarten bis zur 6. Klasse, nahmen an einem Parcours mit lustigen Aktivitäten auf dem Sportplatz teil und hatten eine Menge Spass aktiv zu sein. Vielen Dank an die Sportabteilung und alle beteiligten Lehrer für einen tollen Vormittag!
#BeActive #behealthy #NationalFitnessDay
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What a great first day of school especially for our children who are going into first class in primary school. Over 50 1st class pupils arrived at St. Kilian’s this morning with their beautifully decorated Schultüten and were warmly greeted by their new class teachers Mrs Browne and Ms Purcell.
Thank you to the members of the PA who kindly organised a First Day of School Picnic, which is a great opportunity to welcome children and their parents. Welcome all!
Es war ein toller erster Schultag, besonders für unsere Erstklässler. Heute morgen kamen über 50 aufgeregte Kinder mit ihren bunt geschmückten Schultüten in St. Kilian’s an und wurden von ihren neuen Klassenlehrerinnen Frau Browne und Frau Purcell herzlich begrüßt.
Vielen Dank an die Mitglieder des Elternbeirats, die ein Picknick zum Schulanfang organisiert haben. Das Picknick bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, Kinder und ihre Eltern willkommen zu heißen und sich kennenzulernen.
#Einschulung2024 #ersterSchultagatstkilians #schulanfang #firstdayofschool #Firstdayatstkilians
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First day of School at St. Kilian’s Deutsche Schule - St. Kilian's German School, Dublin
It was a great first day of school especially for our children who are going into first class in primary school. Over 50 1st class... Read MoreWishing y'all, pupils, teachers and parents wonderful years ahead. I remember this important day so fondly both as a teacher in the school and as a mother.❤️
We have great memories from our first day at firs class at San St Kilian's Deutsche Schule ❤